Texwear   Texwear
For TexWear, the environmental responsibility and its impact on people is very important!

Quality is not just a question of fine yarns and soft feeling, it is also a question of our responsibility for how people and environment will be affected by our policy through the whole production chain.

TexWear´s Code of Conduct will be updated frequently in order to develop our social responsibility in the supplier chain.

We are members of Amfori/BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative), together with almost 1000 other members worldwide. We work with a shared Code of Conduct to improve conditions for workers in the countries where our items are produced.

The Code of Conduct is based on UN conventions about children and human rights and applies to the following areas:
  • Prohibition of child labour.
  • Prohibition of forced labour.
  • Ensuring employees to have a safe working environment that does not pose a threat to their health, preventing accidents and providing access to clean drinking water, hygiene facilities and the necessary protective equipment.
  • Ensuring regulations to apply to employees´ pay, working hours and leisure time.
  • Prohibition of discrimination.
  • Ensuring employees to have the right to union affiliation and collective bargaining.
Our membership in Amfori/BSCI is a constant process in our longterm ambition to become an even better and more responsible company with respect to products, environment and everyone involved in the production.

TexWear works constantly to encourage and support our suppliers in their development for a better working standard. Our focus is to communicate and coordinate as well as make correct demands on the supplier. We encourage and support our suppliers to develop sustainably and we follow up to ensure that they fulfill our environmental requirements.

Since we mainly work in the Far East and want to take our environmental responsibility we have found that to be a member of Amfori/BSCI and follow their ethic regulations is the best choice for us.

You can find more information about Amfori/BSCI on the website www.amfori.org
